Dr. L. Sujatha
Dr. L. Sujatha
Auxilium College, Vellore, India
Dr. L. Sujatha has obtained the award of Ph. D. degree in the subject Mathematics. Her areas of research are Fuzzy Mathematics, Fuzzy Operations Research, Fuzzy Graph Theory, Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Fuzzy Optimization. She has published 30 papers in the peer reviewed/indexed International journals. Her Google Scholar Citation Index is 98 and Research Gate Citation Index is 85 with RG Score: 5.59. She has presented papers in 13 International Conferences and 10 National Conferences. Her article appeared as a chapter in the edited book published by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation (IMRF). She has worked as a reviewer for the International Journals such as Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research (Springer), British Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (JAMP), Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, Asian Research Journal of Mathematics, Asian Journal of Current Research, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, Springer – Trends in Mathematics and reviewed 20 research articles. She has guided 17 M.Phil. Scholars. Under her guidance 9 M.Phil. Scholars and 5 PG students have presented papers in the International and National Conferences. She has guided 29 Post graduate students for their project and 2 Post graduate students for their summer internship project. She is a lively life member in a number of Academic Organizations like International Association of Engineers; The Association of Science, Education and Technology; International Association of Academicians and Researchers; Senior member of the American Society of Research; Computer Science Teachers Association; Research Gate; Elsevier- Mendeley. Also delivered invited talk/ guest lectures. She has chaired the technical session in the National Conference on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (NCDMA – 2018) and in the International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering (ICMCE-2018). She was the Technical Program Committee member of the 11th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE 2019).