Prof. Sai Ho Chan
Prof. Sai Ho Chan
College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taiwan, China
标题: The World Healthcare System --- Seeing the big future
Entering 2021, the coronavirus is still spreading across countries and causing panic. It has had a crippling effect on the healthcare systems around the world with cancellation of elective medical services and disruption of daily life. It is shutting down nations, overwhelming hospitals, and moving the world towards a global recession. It is at our doorstep, affecting billions of lives right now. 2020 was a devastating year for global health. We are in the midst of an historic event that will change many aspects of our world. It has now spread to over 215 countries and the recent World Health Organisation ( WHO ) reports there are over 168,716,435 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with more than 3,505,667 deaths until May 28 this year. The coronavirus exposes our healthcare system's weaknesses. The impact of the coronavirus crisis might be extending further than you think. It could worsen hunger in the developing world. It may increase the number of people bathing acute hunger. The potential long-term consequences the pandemic could here for us are starting to reveal themselves. The pandemic has been shown to increase pre-existing  gender-based, geographic, and socioeconomic disparities in access to healthcare. 
However, the coronavirus is not the only global crisis we are facing today, nor is it the most important issue that we will be facing in the next few decades. Like the coronavirus, the climate crisis is not a distant threat. The Harvard study adds to recent research showing that taking global action on climate change could improve public health. From public health to clean energy, from organizing to innovating, our world needs people working on the most important issues of our time.
Healthcare systems are complex and there are many things we need to know about types of hospital systems, patient care, insurance, healthcare providers and legal issues. In addition to health systems' function to protect and promote the health of the population, they have many economic and social impacts, which have been largely overlooked to date. Health investment is the smartest investment --- it pays off.
Nevertheless, government responses have been robust and are expected to bolster their respective healthcare systems in the coming months.
Either way, the coronavirus crisis will confront us with certain lessons. It has also been a defining moment for information and communication technologies. Here, I would like to highlight some learning opportunities offered by the current pandemic and their implication for a better future healthcare system. One of the clearest lessons the pandemic has taught us is the consequences of neglecting our healthcare systems.
No matter the crisis, people matter, you matter.
1977 Queen’s College, Hong Kong
1980 The Far East Flying & Technical School, Kai Tak Airport, Hong Kong
(course: aeronautical engineering)
1983 The Hong Kong School of Commerce, Hong Kong
(course: Business studies)
1995 M.D., College of Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung,Taiwan
2003 Hua Fan University, Taipei, Taiwan
(course: Law studies)
2004 Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan
(course: Real Estate Appraisal)
2007 NGH (USA) Certified instructor Program, Shanghai, China
Chinese and Western Medicine