Prof. Guanglei Wu
Prof. Guanglei Wu
School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
Dr. Guanglei Wu received his PhD in robotics from Aalborg University, Denmark, 2013, and worked as an industrial Postdoc fellow in Aalborg University from 2014 to 2016. He was a visiting scholar in the Research Institute in Communications and Cybernetics of Nantes (IRCCyN, currently reorganized as Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes-LS2N) in June-July 2012, in McGill University in Aug. 2015, and in Aarhus University in 2020. Currently, he is a professor in School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology (DUT). His research interests include robotic technology, conceptual design and performance evaluation of robots, robot dynamics and control, industrial robots and their applications. He has published one monography by Springer, 9 Chinese patents, and over 80 peer-reviewed articles in international journals and conferences. He was the awardee of AIS Expert of Year 2021, DUT Xinghai 1000 Youth Talent program (2018-2020), Best paper award from IFToMM Asian MMS & CCMMS 2016, Academic Awards from Dept. Sci. Tech. Liaoning province, Longcheng Talent program by Changzhou Municipality. He has given over 10 keynote speeches for the international conferences. He is the referee for over 50 international journals and conferences in the fields of mechanisms and robots.